Labels:text | screenshot | font | number | menu | document | parallel OCR: REPRESENTATIVE CLIENT/SERVER HRMS APPLICATIONS Product/ OS Support Development! & Servet BDBMS Support HAMS Reporting Customization Company Circle Number Client Features Ramco Systems Marshall EMS; # Unix: OpenVMS; NT Sybase, Oracle, Tool: Fremont, CA Personnel, benefits, Customizable HR & Payroll o DOS, Windows, MS-SQL Server, reports included Circle No. 316 NT.OS/2 ODBC payrol Ross Systems Renaissance 1 VMS, OpenVMS, Unix CA-Openingres, Personnel, recruitment, Includes standard Third party. Atlanta, GA CS Human O Mac Sys7, Windows, Rdb, Oracie, Sybase payroll, benefits reports; ad hoc Omnis? Resource Series NT report writer Circle No. 317 SAP America inc. R/3 # Unix: 05/400, Oracle, Informix, Personnel, payroll, Custom, standard, SAP tools; Wayne, PA Circle No. 318 Windows NT MS-SQL Server, benefits, workflow ad hoc; HR Query third-party O Windows, Mac, OS/2 Adabas tool; SAP Report tools PM, Motif Writer; third party Software 2000 Infinium:Human £: OS/400 D82/400 Hyannis, MA HR, payroll, Custom, standard, Infinium Resources O Windows, OS/2 ad hoc; third-party Circle No. 319 NT, Mac applicant tracking. object- benefits tools via OLE, ODE, oriented ODBC, OpenDoc tools Software Plus Human + OS/400; NetWare; DB2/400, Oracle, HR, applicant Standard, ad hoc; Rutherford, NJ Third party, Resources and Progress, Sybase, Payroll/SP O Windows, DOS tracking, payroll, Progress Report i.e ., Progress DB2/6000 benefits Builder, Progress Circle No. 320 Results Spectrum Human HRVantage Windows NT MS-Access; MS and HR, staffing, payroll, Resource Systems Circle No. 321 O Windows, WFW, NT Sybase SQL Server, benefits, compensation Standard, custom, HRVantage ad hoc cool: Corp dBase, Paradox, Denver, CO Btrieve Symix Computer Symix Human ৳ Unix; VMS; NT Progress Personnel, applicant Custom, standard Systems Inc. Resources DOS, Windows, tracking, benefits, reports Columbus, OH Circle No. 322 NT, NetWare payroll Tesseract HRMS # MVS, OS/2; Unix Oracle, Sybase, HR, applicant tracking, End-user query. Tesseract. San Francisco, CA Circle No. 323 O Windows, 05/2 IDMS, DB2 compensation, benefits, payroll reporting tools development toolset